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Acompanho no Twitter as reacções oficiais ao anúncio do casamento do Príncipe William e Kate Middleton. A BBC Breaking News está nisto desde manhã:
- Clarence House says wedding will take place in London in Spring or Summer 2011; David Cameron "delighted" by the news.
- Ed Miliband says he's "delighted" by royal wedding; London Mayor Boris Johnson - "it's fantastic; in a weird way, it cheers everyone up".
- Nick Clegg "thrilled" for Prince William and Kate Middleton and sends "very best wishes" from himself and his wife Miriam.
- Prince William's aunt Sophie Wessex says of #royalwedding the whole family wishes the couple "all the love and luck in the world".
E, por enquanto, finalmente:
- Prince Charles says he's "thrilled" over Prince William's engagement as the couple have been "practising for long enough".
Tem graça.